2 Species of Collared Lizard

I thought it would be interesting to share some photos of a few of my Collared Lizards. I currently keep 2 species; C. collaris and C. vestigium. They are both very interesting lizards, and despite the insane blue that characterizes the line my C. collaris descend from, the C. vestigium are by far my favorite of the two. Their body structure is so much more dynamic, and the light, zebra-like stripes and colors are subtle but beautiful. As long as everything goes well in 2016, I'll be adding C. dickersonae to my collection.

First picture is the flashy and impressive C. collaris. This line (Blazing Blues from Nick and Austin Dokai at Innovative Ectotherms) is unreal. The males develop an insane cobalt blue on the body, legs, tail and often the head. Females also get a lot of color as well, but like most collaris it's more subdued than the males. My pair has already started breeding for this season and the female is due to lay her first clutch any day now. 

Male Blazing Blue C. collaris 

Next is my male C. vestigium (aka Baja Collared Lizard). This species is so radical. They appear like raptors at peak activity; keen vision and a clear intelligence. This particular male is still only about half grown. As he matures fully, his head will become much larger, his black inguinal and side patches will become extremely bold, and he will develop a slight crest running down his tail. Also, he may gain some of the nice yellow coloring on his legs characteristic of his locale. Perhaps next year (or later this year if I'm lucky) I will get some eggs from this species!

Young male C. vestigium 

Thanks for looking! More updates coming as the 2016 breeding season continues! 


First 2016 Collared Lizard Clutch!


Albino Chuckwallas!