2014 California Herp Trip!

Young Male Baja Collared Lizard (Crotaphytus Vestigium)

I was fortunate enough to spend the second week of April in Southern California on a great herp trip! 
The purpose of this trip was to find Baja Collared Lizards and Chuckwallas as well as find out what other amazing reptiles we could observe. We were able to find Baja Collared Lizards, Chuckwallas, Leopard Lizards, Zebra Tailed Lizards, Side-Blotched Lizards, Granite Spiny Lizards, Coachwhips, Glossy Snakes, Desert Iguanas, Fringe Toed Lizards, Scorpions and several other animals.  

One interesting event we witnessed was a large adult female Leopard Lizard hunting an adult Zebra Tailed Lizard. We were hiking a wash area and spooked the Zebra Tailed and a chase ensued. Both lizards dove into a crevice, so who knows if the Zebra Tailed got away!  

Adult Male Baja Collared Lizard belly shot showing the dark inguinal patches.

This trip was both relaxing and educational. I learned so much on this trip and I can't wait to do it again! Fortunately, I was also able to obtain a very nice pair of Chuckwallas for my own collection. I will have pictures of them up very soon once they settle in. 


Thanks for visiting my blog! 


Breeding Season Update


My First Nephrurus Wheeleri Cinctus Hatchlings!