Varied Minor Enrichment for Uromastyx
One thing I like to do for Uromastyx that are settled and comfortable is add and/or change portions of the enclosure. This can be done in many ways. Moving or adding some of the cage furnishings, moving the placement of the basking lights, hiding food for them to find, changing the location of the food bowl, etc.
I like doing this because it provides changes for the animals, giving them new stuff to explore, new problems to solve in finding hidden foods, etc. Another reason is because sometimes you learn something about the animal from making a change. You can start to see that most animals like hides of this shape or that shape, things they don't like about what you've done, and it helps you be creative and learn about new ways you can setup environments for them in the future.
Here I've added a bunch of timothy hay into my uro pens. The animals eat the hay (a lot of it actually, it surprises me how much of they consume) and also it provides some temporary visual barriers and microclimates. I like to cover some hide entrances, stuff some hay into other hide areas, and things like this. I say only for settled uromastyx because with new additions or skittish animals it can be stressful to change stuff up on them. Those animals require consistency and habit until they are really settled in and have strong habits.